Selected Case Studies

Consulting; Coaching; Product. 

Consulting; Coaching.

Mental Health Programming; Creative Direction; Team Mental Health Training; Social Media; Partnerships; Event Planning + Hosting for The Mayfair Mental Wellness House.

The Local Optimist
Mental Health “Hotline” Program Ideation + Management; Digital Programming; Blog Management; Product Development; Community Programming/Events; Collaborations with Headspace, The Big Quiet, The Alliance for Eating Disorders, and more.

Creative Direction; Consulting.

Brand Strategy; Marketing; Partnerships; Writing + Editing; Event Planning + Hosting. Meadowlark is an AIM Youth Advisory Boardmember.

From left to right: Barry Michels, psychologist and co-author of “The Tools” alongside Phil Stutz; Jason Wersland, founder of Therabody; and Meadowlark Monaghan, founder of Or Consulting

Brand Strategy; Marketing; Creative Direction; Social Media; Copy Writing; Event Planning; Product Consulting; Leadership Training; Collaborations with Tony’s Chocoloney + Jeni’s Ice Cream.

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